Caffeine Reduction

Reduce caffeine the fast and easy way — CAFFEINEcontrol

How Does Caffeine Affect ADHD?

Caffeine And ADHD Symptoms Caffeine and ADHD symptoms seem like a perfect pairing. ADHD is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity and/or impulsivity. While caffeine increases attention and improves learning and memory. Together they seem like a good fit. Is Caffeine Bad For ADHD? In some ways caffeine and ADHD are good together. …

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Does Caffeine Affect Sperm? Caffeine And Male Fertility

Caffeine And Male Fertility The semen levels in men worldwide have been declining. Meanwhile worldwide consumption of caffeine has increased. Are these related or just a coincidence? Evidence suggests there seems to be a negative relationship between caffeine intake and male reproductive function – possibly through sperm DNA damage. However, there are some interesting studies …

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Does Espresso Have More Caffeine Than Coffee?

Does espresso have more caffeine than coffee? The answer to both is it depends on who you ask. Espresso CAN have more caffeine than coffee. But it depends on several factors to determine actual caffeine content in either espresso or regular drip coffee.  What Is The Difference Between Regular Coffee And Espresso? Actually, there is …

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Coffee And Kidney Disease: Is Coffee Good For Your Kidneys?

Coffee And Kidney Disease: The Hidden Links Caffeine is one of the most commonly consumed substances in the world. The use of caffeine transcends borders and language barriers. In fact, it’s so common we often don’t think much about it when we reach for a cup of coffee first thing every morning.  But is it …

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Caffeine in Chocolate vs Coffee, Tea, And More

Is There Hidden Caffeine In Chocolate? Caffeine hidden in chocolate is probably the most commonly consumed source of hidden caffeine. And it is not an insignificant amount of caffeine either. 1 ounce of dark chocolate can have 24mg of caffeine. Milk chocolate about 12mg an ounce. Even hot chocolate, a favorite choice to give children, …

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Does Caffeine Help Headaches?

Does Caffeine Help Headaches? Caffeine can be both a headache trigger and a headache cure depending on several factors. There have been several research studies that show caffeine can help with headache pain. And with pain in general.  That’s why there is caffeine hidden in some of the best-selling over-the-counter pain medicines like Excedrin MigraineTM, AnacinTM, …

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Why It’s Time To Quit Your Local Coffeeshop

If you can’t start your day without coffee, you probably have a go-to coffeeshop you visit. Whether it’s daily or just occasionally, if you are addicted to caffeine, you’ll need an on-the-go option. And your local coffeeshop is more than willing to fill that need. But what about when your coffee addiction isn’t working for …

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Why to Drop the Caffeine Habit During Pregnancy

Is Caffeine While Pregnant Okay? There is a constant and ever-changing list of things women are told not to eat or drink while pregnant with caffeine while pregnant being a big question for most people. After all, almost 90% of adults consume caffeine daily. That’s probably why it’s a question I hear alot.  In general, …

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Major Causes and Treatments of Sharp Headaches

Sharp Headaches That Can Ruin Your Day Sharp headaches are one of the most common medical complaints; with many people experiencing them daily. They can impact the life regardless of age or gender.  The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that nearly everyone will at least have occasional headaches. But 1 in 20 adults will have …

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Caffeine Will Strangle Your Voice Before Public Speaking

Coffee is so common most people would not think twice about consuming caffeine and public speaking. In fact, most people will demand coffee as an essential agent to perk you up before speaking in public.  Too Much Caffeine And Public Speaking Disasters With all the material on the internet about public speaking, there is scant …

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Benefits and Problems With Rockstar Energy Drinks – Caffeine Energy Drinks Teenagers Consume Daily

Global caffeine energy drinks are a $57 billion dollar industry in the United States and are expected to grow faster than the coffee industry. Energy drinks target the young and adventurous with a flair for the dramatic. These drinks are bright, colorful, and potentially dangerous. With high levels of caffeine, sugar and audience that likes …

Benefits and Problems With Rockstar Energy Drinks – Caffeine Energy Drinks Teenagers Consume Daily Read More »

Reliable Diet Plan for Hypertension Blood Pressure Patients

High blood pressure is nicknamed “the silent killer”. It often has no visible symptoms but can cause heart attacks or strokes. According to the CDC up to a third of those who have it don’t even know it. 1. Blood Pressure and Weight Issues: According to the Mayo Clinic losing even a small amout of …

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Rebound Headaches: When Getting Better Makes You Worse

The very thing you take to control your headache is what triggers a rebound headache. Think of it like the cure being worse than the disease. The pain medication you took for your headache is actually causing ANOTHER headache. Not surprisingly rebound headaches can lead to other problems including anxiety, depression, irritability, and sleeplessness. Headache …

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Caffeine – The Covert Socially Accepted Killer

Caffeine and nicotine are two legal and socially domesticated drugs only because they are less toxic when taken in standard quantities. The negative health effects of nicotine and its addictiveness are common knowledge. So why are we so reluctant to show caffeine in the same dim light? Caffeine and Nicotine Caffeine is present in many …

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Suffering From Headaches During Pregnancy – What Is Normal?

Headaches during pregnancy can be a challenge. Since even over the counter pain killers are not recommended, you are left with few options to battle a headache. While some pregnancy headaches are due to hormones, almost all women will also deal with a silent threat: caffeine. Most of us are used to starting the day …

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How To Stop Caffeine Jitters And Caffeine Withdrawal Nausea

How To Stop Caffeine Jitters And Caffeine Withdrawal Nausea In 1 Easy Step Big Coffee Loves It That You Wake Up Feeling Terrible But Now There Is A Better Way Coffee fuels our ambitions and sets fire to our dreams. But what about when your greatest tool turns into your biggest enemy?  While there are …

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Conquer Caffeine and Nicotine Withdrawal Together

Conquering caffeine and nicotine withdrawal together is not only possible, but it can also be easy! It’s actually common to try to quit cigarettes and coffee together. Most people will try to take on a brand-new healthy lifestyle and it seems natural to cut out all the bad things that are dragging you down at …

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How Does Caffeine Withdrawal Cause Headaches So Bad You Want To Die?

There is a lot of confusion on how does caffeine withdrawal cause headaches. Most people don’t understand how skipping one little cup of coffee can cause so much pain.  It’s only 11am and just skipping your first coffee of the day triggers a caffeine detox headache that stops your day in its tracks. The medical …

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Caffeine Is Not The Evil Villain Of The Story

Is Caffeine Bad for You? If you are wondering “is caffeine bad for you?”, you probably already know you are overusing it. No one ever asks if caffeine is a problem until they start experiencing some of the effects of too much caffeine like increased anxiety and irritability. Or trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. …

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Caffeine And Pain

Is there a relationship between caffeine and migraines? Or Caffeine and Pain? Absolutely! There have been several research studies that show caffeine can help with migraine pain. Actually, caffeine helps with pain in general. That’s why there is caffeine hidden in several over-the-counter pain medicines like Excedrin Migraine TM, AnacinTM, MidolTM, Darvon CompoundTM, FioricetTM, and MigranalTM. …

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The Secret To Quit Caffeine Faster Than 7 Out Of 8 People

It’s Not Your Fault You Can’t Quit Caffeine Because It’s Not A Question Of Willpower Coffee fuels our ambitions and sets fire to our dreams. But what about when your greatest tool turns into your biggest enemy?  While there are numerous studies that tout the benefits of coffee, the small print will tell you those …

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The Rise Of The “Karen” Super Villain In A Coffee Culture

Did Coffee Shops Create Society’s Greatest Nemesis? Did the rise of Big Coffee Shops into our daily lives create more entitled “Karens”? That angry, obnoxious, and entitled subset of customers demanding attention beyond the scope of all others. Or did the increased popularity of caffeine beverages just create a fertile breeding ground for their behavior? …

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Is Living Longer One Of The Benefits Of Coffee?

The Hidden Benefits Of Coffee You Might Miss Out On Recently, the press has been abuzz over the benefits of coffee and how it can reduce the risk of breast, prostate, or colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, or even Parkinson’s disease. But buried in the fine print is always the disclaimer that the …

Is Living Longer One Of The Benefits Of Coffee? Read More »