Sugar Caffeine Going Rouge In Your Diet


Small Leaks Can Sink Big Ships

Is a hidden sugar caffeine combination recking havoc on your day and your health without you even realizing it? You know there is caffeine in your coffee. But how much? What about in a chocolate bar? How much caffeine and sugar in an ice cream cone? How will that impact how you feel on top of the coffee you already drank? Those smaller additions of sugar and caffeine can add up to overstimulation of your body and mind leaving you jittery, anxious, or restless and unsure why.


How can a little hidden sugar caffeine do all that? It’s because sugar caffeine is hidden not just in one thing, but in many, and the cumulative effect multiples over time.


Sugar Caffeine Sources To Consider

Consider chocolate, ice cream, tea, soda and even Guarana.

Chocolate, even hot chocolate, a beverage usually considered an appropriate treat for children, contain caffeine. Next time you treat a child to a Starbucks hot chocolate while you have coffee consider you the impact that 25mg of caffeine and 37g of sugar is going to have. That amount of sugar caffeine would be a decent stimulate for an adult, more so the metabolism of a child. That is the same caffeine in a decaf coffee from Starbucks. Would you give a child a decaf coffee? Decaf might be a less stimulating choice considering all the added sugar hot chocolate comes with.

Soda is much the same  problem. Diet Coke has 46mg of caffeine in a 12 oz can. But regular Coke has only 34g of caffeine – but with a whopping 39g of sugar! The easiest way to understand sugar content is a teaspoon of sugar is about 4 grams. So they put less caffeine in regular Coke because they packed it with 11 ½ teaspoons of sugar. Can you imagine putting that much sugar in your coffee every morning? Even if you have a sweet tooth, that a lot of sugar!

I once stopped drinking coffee and switched to just having a tea at my desk. I found myself drinking MORE caffeine that way and didn’t even realize it until I started have medical issues from the extreme caffeine use. I knew it HAD caffeine; I just didn’t realize I was actually consuming MORE until it was too late.

A new source of caffeine is Guarana, a plant native to the Amazon, and now a common ingredient in energy drinks. If you don’t understand what you are consuming, it might sound like a “natural” energy alternative but studies have shown it to be unsafe in large amounts.

Sugar As A Stimulant

Sugar itself can serve as a stimulant on its own. Excess sugar, just like caffeine, increases cognitive skills and hits the reward centers of the brain, just like caffeine. Together, they are going to give your brain a double whammy of feel-good chemicals. But excess sugar will also simulate the craving for more sugar. Those sugar calories can also add up quickly.

Going back to the Coke example, there are 140 calories in can of regular Coke. If you just consume one coke a day that’s 980 calories a week. 50,960 calories a year. If you don’t burn off those extra calories working out, that would quickly add up to 15 lbs. a year.

And that same Coke example is fewer calories than your average cup of coffee. The most popular coffee beverage in the United States is a Vanilla Latte. That will average 200 calories using nonfat milk.

But I drink a “Skinny Latte”, you say. Well that’s still 120 calories. Just shy of the regular Coke example. And would still lead to 12.5 additional pounds a year if you don’t work out harder. Because you certainly won’t burn those extra calories sitting at your desk working.

Why Is CAFFEINEcontrol Different?

We kept the sugar to a minimum. Yes, we put some sugar in the formula; but only ½ gram per serving. Using the teaspoon example again, that’s about ¼ a teaspoon sugar. It’s enough to effectively cover the taste of the active ingredients of  Vitamin C, Zinc and B Vitamins, which have real benefits but don’t taste that great. But we were careful to keep sugar to a bare minimum.  That means our formula has 3 calories a serving vs 150+ calories for coffee alternatives.

But we also know all that sugar that most beverages contain is hitting the pleasure centers of the brain and without it, people are not going to feel as good. That’s where the L-Theanine comes in. Research has proven that when L-Theanine, when combined with caffeine, helps boost mental stimulation and triggers the same “feel good” pleasure centers of the brain that get with caffeine and large amounts of sugar.

But what CAFFEINEcontrol can do better than coffee is deliver those results faster. By dissolving on the tongue, like candy, it bypasses digestion. Coffee, soda, energy drinks or even caffeine pills, all require digestion. It takes about 50 minutes to digest most energy drinks. It’s during that time, waiting for digestion, you are most likely to overconsume caffeine and sugar, trying to get the boost you need.

By skipping digestion we deliver results faster, so you feel great fast, and never overconsume caffeine while waiting for digestion. And it’s as simple as popping it in your mouth like a piece of candy or breath mint. It’s a new approach to energy consumption whose time has come. Check it out here:  Https://

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