Caffeine Withdrawal and Migraines

caffeine withdrawal


When it comes to migraines, caffeine withdrawal is the evil villian or your story. The headache associated with a migraine needs to be triggered. This trigger can come in many forms: food, weather conditions, lighting, and even hormornes. One of the triggers can be too much caffeine consumption. And yet the pain of migraines can also be lessened by ingesting caffeine. It’s not always easy to know what to do.

Caffeine Withdrawal As The Villian To Your Migraines

Caffeine withdrawal is often what can trigger a migraine. But if you can reduce the amount of caffeine you consume, you can also reduce your risk of migraine. 

If you don’t consume a lot of caffeine, you won’t suffer much in the way of withdrawal symptoms. But if you have ever suffered from caffeine withdrawal you know how brutal it is. It’s why 89% of people that try to cut back on caffeine will just give up and accept being addicted to caffeine. 

But what if you could cut back without caffeine withdrawal? You can do that by timing your intake of caffeine over time. If you ingest a certain amount of caffeine at specific intervals throughout the day your body will be satisfied and keep the migraine headache at bay.

The Fastest Way To Fail And Trigger Migraines

What’s the worst thing you can do? Go cold turkey with an complete abstinence of caffeine. This may sound like a quick way to go but it will actually trigger the worst of the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Why?

Because caffeine is addictive. The more you get, the more you want. And when you cut off that supply too fast you body goes into panic mode and does everything it can to get you to cave in and resupply the caffeine. Fast. 

The other big problem with cutting back is how do you even know how much is enough? Caffeine is everywhere in today’s society. It’s in chocolate candy, pain-relief medicine and diet pills. And that’s just the start. You can also add such things as liqueurs, energy drinks and even pudding to things you have to consider. And worst of all, manufacturers are not required to list caffeine content so it is nearly impossible to know all the sources of caffeine. 

Luckily less than 100mg of caffeine a day is generally considered below the threshold of caffeine addiction. But a single cup of coffee is nearly 100mg so it’s an easy threshold to blow past with hidden sources of caffeine and not even realize it. 



How To Limit Risk Of Triggering Migraines

So how do you keep caffeine withdrawal and migraine triggers at bay? 

Well, if your source of caffeine is coffee, you’re in for some bad news. Determining how much caffeine you are getting in a single cup of coffee is almost impossible. Because exactly how much caffeine is in your coffee is determined by the beans and how it is brewed. Same goes for tea. If you want to cut back on caffeine you probably should not rely on coffee or tea as a source of caffeine. You are very likely to consume too much (and trigger caffeine addiction) or too little (and trigger caffeine withdrawal). 

If you want precision in your caffeine consumption you need to look at products that are always guaranteed to be made the same way. That means either soft drinks or caffeine tablets. But both of those methods also rely on digestion to deliver the caffeine which is also not a precise way to get caffeine. Why?

Because digestion takes about 50 minutes to fully consume the caffeine in a cup of coffee. Sure you feel some of it right away but that’s because caffeine is a unique molicule that can be absorbed in the mouth too. So it’s not your imagination. That first sip DOES make you feel better. But all that caffeine sloshing around in your stomach will take up to an hour to give you the full impact. That’s how you can feel overstimulated and jittery later. 

If you really want to cut back and want to do it in a way that will allow you to skip caffeine withdrawal, you should look into CAFFEINEcontrol.

This is a new way of reducing caffeine that won’t triggger caffeine withdrawal and works faster than coffee, decaf, soda, energy drinks or even caffeine pills. Because it skips digestion and delivers results 10x faster than anything else. 

It’s super easy to use. Just consume a sweet tablet like you would candy in place of any caffeine beverage you would normally consume and then go about your day. Since it is a low-caffeine alternate to your high caffeine beverages, it is a perfect alternative that lets you kick your caffeine habit without caffeine withdrawal or migrines from too much caffeine. Check it out:

Reducing Caffeine Can Be Easy


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