How To Stop Caffeine Jitters And Caffeine Withdrawal Nausea
In 1 Easy Step
Big Coffee Loves It That You Wake Up Feeling Terrible
But Now There Is A Better Way
Coffee fuels our ambitions and sets fire to our dreams. But what about when your greatest tool turns into your biggest enemy?
While there are numerous studies that tout the benefits of coffee, the small print will tell you those benefits only apply to “low” or “moderate” consumption.
While we can understand that, and may even want to cut back, caffeine withdrawal is brutal and won’t let you just change your mind about how much caffeine you want to consume.
In fact, our society is designed to keep you jittery, anxious, and nauseous until you give in and have another cup of coffee.
Why Reduce Or Even Quit Caffeine?
The reality is, no one ever considers giving up, or even cutting back on caffeine, unless they have to. 43% of people report that a medical professional told them to reduce caffeine. Chronic, heavy caffeine consumption has been linked to:
- anxiety
- sleep troubles
- digestive problems
- irritability
- depression
- feeling shakey or restless all the time
- leg pains
- body aches
- blurry vision
- constipation
- and high blood pressure
Whether you want to know how to stop caffeine jitters from too much caffeine or are experiencing caffeine withdrawal nausea that makes you misible from consuming too little, how much caffeine you consume is the heart of your problem.
But when you are trapped in a vicious cycle of caffeine addiction, cutting back isn’t as simple as just skipping a serving.
Trapped In The Cycle Of Caffeine Addiction
Caffeine is the world’s most used drug and arguably, one of the most abused as well. 90% of American adults consume caffeine infused beverages almost daily.
So, what if you decided you have had enough and really want to escape the quicksand of caffeine addiction? Just stop drinking coffee or skip the energy drink, right? Not so fast. 88% of people that try to quit caffeine will fail. And then fail again. And Again. Failing an average of 2.7 times.
87% struggled to quit caffeine despite acknowledging they had physical or psychological problems caused by too much caffeine. So, you might want to quit caffeine, but caffeine won’t quit you.
Why You Can't Casually Walk Away From Caffeine Addiction
Why do people fail to moderate caffeine use? It’s not willpower. It’s caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine withdrawal is real, and can be debilitating with people sometimes claiming they have to stay home sick from work to get over the worst of the symptoms.
Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms include:
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Change in mood including depression, anxiety, or irritability
- Trouble concentrating
- Brain fog
- Flu-like symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, stiffness, and muscle aches

Most people never think their daily coffee habit could ever turn into caffeine withdrawal shakes, caffeine withdrawal jitters, caffeine withdrawal fatigue, caffeine withdrawal anxiety attacks, caffeine withdrawal leg pain, caffeine withdrawal muscle aches, caffeine withdrawal nausea, caffeine withdrawal body aches, caffeine withdrawal constipation, caffeine withdrawal diarrhea, caffeine withdrawal brain fog, caffeine withdrawal fever,caffeine withdrawal blurry vision, or even caffeine withdrawal chest pain!
With a list of symptoms like that, most people are going to assume they are really sick and not just enduring caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
How Long Caffeine Withdrawal Lasts
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can begin as little as 12 hours after your last cup. And can stick around about a week to 14 days. But there are people that report the symptoms lingering for MONTHS after quitting cold turkey. Which is what keeps people in the cycle of caffeine addiction.

Be Part Of the 12% That Beat The Odds
So how do you beat the odds, quit caffeine addiction, and take back control of your life?
It’s simple. Just hack caffeine addiction and stop caffeine withdrawal before it starts. Without the debilitating effects of caffeine withdrawal, you CAN walk away from caffeine addiction and live life on your terms again.
If you reduce caffeine at a low, but consistent level, you create a state of partial caffeine deprivation, your body realizes it has a consistent supply of caffeine. Your body thinks “nothing here to worry about”. It might not be as much as it usually gets but as long as it is consistent, your body does not go into panic mode and trigger caffeine withdrawal. But, consistently is going to be the key. Too much and you maintain the caffeine addiction. Too little, and you trigger the panic response of caffeine withdrawal. Slow and steady caffeine reduction wins this race.
Yes, that’s right. You can actually fool your body into believing that nothing has changed and there is no reason to panic and trigger caffeine withdrawal.
Sounds simple, right? Then why do so many people fail?
Hidden Caffeine Traps
The biggest problem in reducing caffeine is inconsistent caffeine levels. Without consistent levels, you can trigger caffeine addiction or caffeine withdrawal from cup to cup. And what most people don’t know: both decaf and regular coffee have caffeine contents that can vary from cup to cup.
Most people don’t realize that caffeine content can vary depending on the bean or the brew.
- Too much and you are triggering caffeine addiction.
- Too little and you trigger caffeine withdrawal.
- From day to day, you might find yourself dancing back and forth between addiction and withdrawal without making progress to your goal.
Setting You Up To Fail
There is secret weapon that big coffee has lobbied for that keeps you coming back for more of their product: they are not required to disclose how much caffeine is in their products.
That little secret is what keeps you caught in a the cycle of caffeine dependence. It is what makes it so hard to quit because you are never quite sure how much caffeine you are trying to replace.
Further complicating the process is the fact that caffeine in coffee is going to vary based on the bean and how it is brewed. So you might not be getting the same amount of caffeine from cup-to-cup.
Give Yourself A Secret Weapon
Above all, give yourself the best chance to succeed. For those that want to quit caffeine addiction on the first try there is now CAFFEINEcontrol. It’s not a caffeine pill. It’s a sweet, pineapple flavored tablet that dissolves on the tongue and gives you an edge no other product can. Formulated to address the unique needs of reducing caffeine it interrupts caffeine withdrawal with 21mg of caffine and essential nutrients that support your whole body so you can quickly and easily reduce caffeine. You will reach your caffeine goals faster than you thought possible!
CAFFEINEcontrol Is The Better Way Of Using Caffeine
CAFFEINEcontrol is a brand-new approach to caffeine reduction: a sweet candy that dissolves in your mouth so it skips digestion and works right away.
Get a small, 21mg microdose of caffeine, that works almost instantly. You will crush caffeine cravings and skip caffeine withdrawal so you can reset your caffeine habits quickly and plainlessly.
You won’t feel like you are making a change at all because you get the energy and focus you need, without the caffeine addiction you don’t.
How To Stop Feeling Jittery From Caffeine -- EVER AGAIN
That’s why CAFFEINEcontrol is not just for quitting caffeine. Because it delivers energy and focus 10x faster than coffee, energy drinks or even caffeine pills, you’ll never need to overconsume caffeine again.
Stop caffeine jitters from overconsuming coffee or energy drinks.
No more nervous anxiety.
Want To Reduce Caffeine
But Can't Let It Slow You Down?

Less caffeine used to mean suffering through caffeine withdrawal symptoms, brain fog and exhaustion. That’s why most people that try to modify their caffeine intake fail. Figuring out how to wean off caffeine doesn’t even have to mean giving up coffee. Now you can cut back as much or as little as you want: on your own terms.

CAFFEINEcontrol is different because it skips digestion which lets you take back control of your caffeine cravings and reset your caffeine habits FAST.

Don’t just try to change your caffeine habits. Do something that makes lasting change. Something that makes you feel great while you reduce caffeine so change is easy!