10 Impartial Caffeine Research Studies For Fact-Based Decision Making.
Below are links to some of the major research that drove CAFFEINEcontrol decision-making. These are independent studies that provide insights into caffeine and caffeine withdrawal. Here, you see the science supporting general vitamin effectiveness that guided our fact-based decision making.
A scientific paper published in 2018 gave the most recent validation that drinking coffee is not the best way to absorb caffeine.[1] But there are actually many more going back 20 years that have largely gone unnoticed.[2]
What we did with CAFFEINEcontrol was build on this caffeine research and combine their findings in a groundbreaking new effort to not just deliver caffeine faster, but to instead microdose it in combination with other active ingredients to deliver a low-caffeine alternative that lets you reduce or elminate caffeine without ever triggering caffeine withdrawal.
Learn About Zinc Effectiveness
Zinc has proven to be effective in reducing the duration of colds in many studies. But in addition to supporting the immune system it is also a mood booster. It can boost dopamine production (also known as the ‘feel good hormorne”).
Read About Caffeine Effectiveness
Caffeine research confirms caffeine does not appear to help you as much as you think it does. What you consider “making you feel good”, may actually just be that interuping dependence symptoms and stopping you from feeling bad.
L-Theanine And Caffeine: Better Together
L-Theanine is a proven mood booster. But it has been proven to have greater effectiveness when combined with caffeine.
Caffeine: Overconsumption
The FDA has outlined how much is too much caffeine. With this in mind, their caffeine research outlines the factors that can lead to addiction and even death.
Similar to the FDA report, the Netherlands Nutrition Centre has also outlined guidelines that serve as the guard rails for safe and sane consumption in Europe.
Vitamin: C
While not specifically related to caffeine, this research details the link to both immune health and mood related to Vitamin C. Since too much caffeine can impact immune health, this directly applies to the reasons you need to be concerned about how caffeine impacts your daily health and your ability to avoid illness.
Caffeine In History
Research by University of Rome. They detail the historical and current impacts of caffeine use. The study also details incidents of accidental overdose.
This study was especially interesting in that it provides a historical perspective that modern society did not invent caffeine addiction to try to get more done.
FDA Caffeine Facts
US Food and Drug Administration article on how much caffeine is too much.
Additional Caffeine Research:
[1] . Wickham, K.A., Spriet, L.L. Administration of Caffeine in Alternate Forms. Sports Med 48, 79–91 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-017-0848-2
[2] . Kamimori GH, Penetar DM, Headley DB, et al. Effect of three caffeine doses on plasma catecholamines and alertness during prolonged wakefulness. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2000;56:537–44.Edit10 Impartial Caffeine Research Studies
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Reducing In Caffeine Can Be Easy
Cut back on caffeine without caffeine withdrawal or brain fog.
Faster and easier than anything you tried before.
Learn more at https://caffeinecontrol.com
Quitting caffeine does not have to mean suffering through headaches, feeling irritable, or moody.
It doesn’t even have to mean giving up coffee!
We’ve taken a more effective approach to energy: a sweet low caffeine candy that dissolves on the tongue that skips digestion, so caffeine works 10x faster than coffee, energy drinks, or even caffeine pills. By delivering a microdose of caffeine super fast, CAFFEINEcontrol lets you reduce caffeine while getting the improved energy and focus you need to get things done. You can quickly and easily kick caffeine addiction to the curb — without caffeine withdrawal!